Litter Less Campaign Cambridge West | 1st Vincent
1st Vincent Cub Pack decided to participate in SCOUTS South Africa's Litter Less Campaign. Also a colleague of mine at work asked us to help her kick-start a litter-clean initiative in her suburb. We decided to combine the 2 events and asked 1st Cambridge Meerkats and Cubs to join us. On 4 March 2023, 80+ Meerkats, Cubs, family members, and local residents in Cambridge West took the the streets to do a litter clean-up. We collected over 60 bags of litter and rubbish.
We chose the Cambridge West suburb in East London as that is where the local community wanted to kick-start their litter campaign. The meeting point was at the local primary school. Once everyone had arrived and instruction and safety precautions were outlined, the Cubs went off in different directions to collect as much litter as possible. A bakkie drove around collecting the full bags and dispensing empty black bags when needed.
We don't have an exact number, although many of the local residents cheered us on and thanked us for our contribution to cleaning up their neighbourhood. Hopefully the work we did will inspire more people to join the small group of locals who have shown an interest cleaning up their neighbourhood.
Driving to the area it seemed as there was not much litter to be collected. Once we started walking around we soon discovered that there was much litter in the long grass and in the drains. From a safety perspective with the Cubs we decided that next time we will appoint some parents as traffic/safety marshalls as some vehicles did not bother to slow down around the groups of Cubs.