Leadership training for scout in Bhutan.
Scouts leadership training is one of the most prestigious opportunity given by Bhutan Scout Association to empower Bhutanese young people. The scouting program here develops young people's head, heart and hand. This holistic development program had help thousands of youth in Bhutan.
Not only, the 21 days of training; but also, scholarship was given to study in renowned universities. After the completion of the training young people render their service to the community and also conduct different activities to empower themselves.
During the training young scout learn about, pioneering, First aid, jungle survival, foot drill, rappelling, rafting,firing, mono act, hiking, adventure and guest lecture session etc..
This training can bring talented young people together to share their ideas. Therefore, they develop their social skills.
All in all, this holistic developing training helps young people to share ideas, get good opportunities and learn so many good values and beliefs.