BHARAT SCOUTS AND GUIDES INDIA, conducted a webinar about 'covid-19 myth and facts' on a zoom platform for more than 2 hours. We get many information's regarding the covid-19 vaccination. The effects of the vaccin, benefit of vaccination. Purpose of the vaccination are explained. When should take vaccine the time period of the vaccination between 2 vaccine, who and when get vaccinate, cost of vaccins and prevention and seccur method after of vaccination and all the other details about the vaccination are explained by doctors and health department. Shamly kulkarni, rakshita, ankur and many other officials at tented the webinar to make the your aware about vaccine and the webinar is successful and very helpfull. And the how to wear the mask proper way to wear are explained by our scouting family members. This webinar is very inspirable and very help full for the youth and every one who attended the webinar. And help full the give awareness the myths and facts of the vaccine to the other people in the society. Thank you nation association for conducting this webinar..