Building Local Growth Team of West Bengal State
The Bharat Scouts & Guides, West Bengal has come up with the much-awaited workshop in line with the Membership Growth - an initiative of The World Organisation of the Scout Movement and directed through The Bharat Scouts & Guides, India. The workshop is designed for the District & Local Growth Coordinators and so it is named the same way. The workshop started on the 10th of September 2022 at Ganganagar, State Training Centre of BS&G, WB and will continue till the next day 11th of September 2022. We started the workshop with the opening ceremony, Mr. Pallab Basu the State Secretary welcomed the Chief guest and all the participants. Then we move on to the presentation of official Tshirt of this workshop to the State Chief Commissioner, Mr Debaditya Chakraborty, to the Deputy Director Boy Programme Mr. Arup Sarkar, to the State Commissioner(S) and Chief Commissioner of Scout -Mr. Shyamal Kr Biswas, to the Assistant Director Eastern Region Mr Bablu Goswami and these token, is presented by the State Organising Commissioner (S) Mr Prabodh Ranjan Biswas.
Then we move on to the blessings from the State Chief Commissioner sir and followed by the blessings of State Commissioner (S) sir. The keynotes have been delivered by the Membership Growth Coordinator of BS&G, WB and Assistant State Commissioner(S) - Mr Kaushik Chatterjee.
Then we receive the blessings from the DDBP sir and the Opening Ceremony ended up with a vote of thanks from the SOC (S) sir.
We move on to the main phase of the workshop, starting with the first session - Objectives taken by Mr Kaushik Chatterjee sir, then Mission & Vision facilitated by the DDBP Mr Arup Sarkar sir. The session keeps continuing with “Why Growth “ and then Membership recruitment & retention. A total of 35 participants from 12 districts are eagerly waiting for the next sessions and they are participating actively from the very beginning.