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Biodiversity in the south of the world: Chile

The International Biodiversity Program is a set of activities specially prepared by the United Nations, FAO, and the World Association of Girl Scouts, aimed at children and young people from all over the world who can learn in a simple and fun way about caring for the air, water, the earth and the world around us. In the Llanquihue National Reserve (Puerto Montt, Chile), a place belonging to the Biosphere Reserve of Temperate Rainforests of the Southern Andes, a group of enthusiastic Scouts entered a location that in 2015 was affected by the eruption of the Calbuco volcano. From this geological event, the Biodiversity of said location has been taking its natural course of renewal, becoming an ideal setting for learning and reflection about Biodiversity. Through exploration and learning through games, the activity was an excellent opportunity for reunion, friendship, and respect for the environment. Participate and be part of these types of challenges and activities, knowing, protecting, and preserving nature!
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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