Basic Life Support Training- CCS Scouts
Get a medic!! Basic Life Support? No problem! In order for our Scouts to be trained on Basic Life Support and First Aid, Christian Community Scouting contacted the Fire Emergency Paramedic Assistance Group, or FEPAG.
This training was held at PIQC School Grounds, which is located at 62 Kitanlad Street, Quezon City. It was conducted on July 2, July 16, 23, and 30. As stated earlier, we requested that the Fire Emergency Paramedic Assistance Group (FEPAG) train us on Basic Life Support (BLS) and First Aid training.
At the end of the event, we asked some Scouts on what they learned and what knowledge can they pass on to other Scouts in the future. Some said that they were able to learn CPR, others said Bandaging techniques. We also asked the parents who joined their children in training. Most said (or implied) that they were glad to join their kids in training, and were looking forward to repeating it. Both categories also said that they were thankful to have refreshed their memory regarding these topics.
I myself learned a lot in terms of BLS and Bandaging. Perhaps the most important thing I learned in this training was to know WHAT to do, WHEN to do it, and HOW to do it. A Special thank-you to our Scoutmasters, FEPAG staff, and the Scouts who assisted in cleaning up and setting up.
You may reach us at our facebook page, Christian Community Scouting, or you may contact me through email: nigelluelim@gmail.com