Aid Distribution to victims Cianjur Earthquake
Indonesian National Scout Organization distribute aid to earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java, Saturday (14/01/2023).
This activity is an institutional supporting and motivating from Community Service Commission Indonesian NSO (Gerakan Pramuka) to Cianjur Regency Council.
This visit was led directly by the Secretary General of Gerakan Pramuka, Mr. Bachtiar Utomo accompanied by GKR Mangkubumi as Chair of the Community Service Commission.
GKR Mangkubumi hopes that the aid provided can ease the burden on the victims of the disaster. Gerakan Pramuka delivered hundreds of school packages, 1000 hand sanitizers, 10000 masks, hundreds of milk, sarongs and children's clothes By information from Cianjur Scouts Leader, there are 243 member of Gerakan Pramuka that called Pramuka Peduli had become a volunteer shortly after the earth disaster occurred.
The Community Service Commission consultant also coordinating with the Cianjur Kwarcab for the preparation of the Community Development Camp in supporting the construction of Permanent Shelters for earthquake victims.