I am a Global Citizen,a series of webinar on SDGs organised by BSG.India. On the 2nd day of the series Md. Adrar Shariff and Shimtilang Kharbula were the master of ceremony. Dr. Pavaskar gave the welcome address. Today's guests were Pankaj Mittal- National Commissioner (Ranger), Rojo Andriamahery, Ms. Germaine Umuraza-WAGGGS GLOBAL PROGRAMMER , Surf Smart, Nikita Miller - Advocacy Champion from South Africa on Gender Equality SDGs-5.
Ankita Pandey- Advocacy champion on Plastic Tide Turner on Challenge Badge . The WAGGGS Team took their session on different points of SDGs . Mr. Imlisunep (MOP) from Nagaland presented their project on Zero waste Saturday, Life on Land .
Similarly another project was displayed by Barsha Rani Maharana from Orissa on SDGs-4 Quality Education namely Ama Pathsala. Towards the end of the session a quiz was taken over by Satyajit Chatterjee .The programme brought to an end with a vote of thanks by Amar B. Chettri around 6:00 pm.