Helping the Flood-Affected People
There was a terrible flood occuring in the south-eastern part of our country, Bangladesh. Many districts including Feni,Noakhali, Cumilla and many other places were affected dangerously by flood. Our scout team, Rajuk Uttara Model College Scout Group, take an initiative to help the flood-affected people.Thus,we made a plan regarding how we will do the task. Following the plans and steps, we worked accordingly. I was inspired more by doing the works with others.
Firstly, I worked for collecting funds from others. When the money become huge, we bought different kinds if reliefs for the flood-affected peoples. The reliefs were like medicines, rice,potatoes, or-saline,drinking water etc. Then we packed those reliefs in such a way that, each packet contains all the essential things in a standard quantify. After finishing all the works, we went the flood-affected areas and provided the affected people those packages
I've learned while doing this project that, we should always stand beside the disaster-affected people and needy people. If we save a life , we save a whole family, we save a group of happy people