A Clean Environment.
In the present society we find that most of our public places are polluted as a result of human activities. And we human do not take actions regarding them due to the lack of knowledge about their negative impacts. And also the animals who live in these places consume those litter which is a risk for their lives aswell. Therefore we as the future generation cleaned one of the important place in our hometown in order to make sure that our neighborhood is clean.
This project was executed on 8th January at the Ethagala Rock in kurunegala. Where the pathway to the top which is about 1.5km was polluted with polyethene and plastics. This was a cooperate project with few other schools in our city.
Through this project we were able to clean our environment and to full fill our duty towards the society and the nature as the youth. And also we were able to save lives of many animals like monkeys who live in this rock from consuming litter.
Through this project we learnt how important is it to keep the environment clean. And also we were able to make a bond in between the project mates and also we learnt that by being united we can achieve any target