Explain the concept of a domino chain reaction, where each domino represents a step or action that leads to the next one falling. Emphasise that in the context of the SDGs, actions are interconnected, and one can lead to a chain reaction of impacts.
Brainstorm SDG Actions:
Provide each Scout with a stack of small cards or cutouts and ask them to brainstorm actions that relate to one specific SDG. For example, if you choose Goal 3 (Good Health and Well - Being), they could suggest actions like "vaccinating children," " promoting healthy eating," or "providing access to clean water."
Create SDG Domino Chain: Instruct the Scouts to write one of their suggested actions on each domino tile. Each domino represents a step toward achieving the selected SDG. Encourage them to d ecorate their dominos with relevant symbols or images.
Arrange the Domino Chain: Once the dominos are ready, have the Scouts arrange them in a sequence on a long table or the floor. The first domino should represent an initial action, and the chain should progress toward the achievement of the selected SDG.
Observe the Chain Reaction: Ask one Scout to gently tap the first domino to initiate the chain reaction. As the dominos fall one by one, discuss the interconnectedness of actions and how each action le ads to the next in achieving the SDG.
Materials Needed:
A set of dominos (or domino - like tiles) - Sustainable Development Goals reference materials or posters - Markers and coloured pencils - Small cards or cutouts (for brain storming)