This activity aims to teach young people to read emotions from facial expressions and body language.
Activity development/Instructions
Split the group into teams. For each skit, 2 to 3 Scouts will be taken aside, and they will be explained in detail what they will have to mimic. After making sure that the Scouts understand the important details, they will be brought in front of the rest of the group to act out the scene. The other teams are given indications on the environment in which the scene takes place and on who the characters are. At the end of each mimed skit, the teams must indicate which emotions they have recognised in the characters.
Examples of skits:
You can consider for example being sad for not getting an ice cream, being happy for getting a
good grade in school, being surprised with a birthday party, being afraid of spiders, showing
gratitude for helping them to stand up from a fall.
Discussion points/Debrief
- Ask Scouts if in real life it is always easy to recognise the emotions of others.
- Are there different ways to express the same emotion? For example: if they know someone who raises their voice when they get angry and someone else who keeps quiet instead?
- Are there some emotions that are easier to identify than others?
Materials needed
5-6 cards with situations that can represent emotional episodes, each with 2-3 protagonists.
They must be easy to perform.