Learning Objectives
• Engage in creative problem-solving and decision-making as part of a team.
• Experience a sense of pride and accomplishment in contributing to a shared project.
• Practice communication and cooperation skills while working on the mural.
- Provide a large canvas or poster board and art supplies such as paint, markers, and stickers.
- Divide the canvas into sections and assign each section to a small group of participants.
- Instruct the groups to work together to create a collaborative art piece that represents their shared interests or experiences.
- Encourage communication and cooperation as they brainstorm ideas and design their sections of the mural.
- Once all sections are complete, assemble the mural and display it for everyone to see it. Foster a sense of accomplishment within the whole team.
- Gather the participants together after completing the mural.
- Reflect on their experiences and achievements during the activity.
- Guide the conversation towards the concept of teamwork and creativity by asking questions such as:
- What was the most enjoyable part of working on the collaborative art mural?
- How did your group decide on the design and theme for your section of the mural?
- What challenges did your group encounter during the project, and how did you overcome them?
- Encourage participants to share their favourite moments and discoveries from the activity.
- Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of teamwork and creative expression in achieving shared goals but most importantly reinforce the idea of how fun it is to have people you shared things with.
- Large canvas or poster board
- Paint, markers, and other art supplies
- Brushes
- Optional: stencils or templates for design elements