Learning Objectives
• Explore the concept of joy and its impact on mental well-being.
• Enhance creativity and imagination through storytelling and play.
- Gather everyone in a circle and introduce the activity.
- Provide a prompt (e.g., "Tell us about a time when you felt really happy") and encourage each of them to share a joyful story.
- After each story, engage the group in a discussion about the elements that brought joy to the story.
- Collaboratively choose a few joyful elements from each story and brainstorm ideas for a short play incorporating these elements.
- Divide them into small groups and assign each group a scene to develop based on the chosen elements.
- Allow time for rehearsal and preparation.
- Perform the short play for each other or for parents/guardians.
- Gather everyone together after the performance.
- Discuss the process of creating the play and the joy it brought to everyone involved.
- Guide the conversation towards the connection between joy, creativity, and mental well-being by asking questions such as:
- How did working together to create the play make you feel?
- What were some of your favourite moments from the performance?
- Can you think of other ways we can use creativity to bring joy into our lives?
- Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of creative expression and collaborative play in fostering positive emotions.
- Props and costumes for the play (optional)
- Space for rehearsal and performance