Littering is just another topic with ‘big talk and no progress’ despite the amount of efforts taken in minimizing the environmental impact caused by the unconscious practice of many human beings to litter whenever wherever they are. Statistically Around 200-300 million tons of plastic are produced every year, where half of which is used to design single-use items such as shopping bags, cups and straws etc. At least 15-20 million tons of plastic is mismanaged in the world thus leading to end up in our oceans every year. Waste plastic makes up 80-85% of all marine debris from surface waters to deep-sea sediments. This is only one area of the environmental pollutants concerns we have at hand.
21st Colombo Rover Scouts decided to organize an environmental and community project under Tide Turner Plastic Challenge to execute beach cleanups and awareness programs followed up with an online survey, heavily influenced by the occurrences within the past few months.
Project will be conducted every month 3rd week with the collaboration of sri lanka coast guard department and the participation of maximum participation of 60-75 personal under the guidelines of Covid’19, which we extend our invitation to interact clubs, rotaract clubs, leo clubs, aiesec entities and other organizations interested in commiunity service projects where the project will be continued as a signature project of 21st colombo rover crew starting of from the 12th of july.
12th July 2021
The webinar was conducted by the 21st Colombo Rover Crew with the collaboration of Sri Lanka Coast Guard on 12th July 2021 Monday at 19:00 local time via the zoom platform. Around 30-35 participants including District Officials and Scout Leaders, Rover scouts, Scouts and guest.
Two naval officers attached to Sri Lanka Coast Guard LCdr G. Gunawardana and Lt. Sahanpath Atukorala were the Guest Speakers for the event where Assistant District Commissioner (Rover and Youth Engagement) Mr. Supun Jayalath was invited to Brief about the Better World Frame-work.