june 5th world environment day
308TH CALICUT OPEN ROVER CREW Conducted an online webinar on June 4th as part of the
World Environment Day. During this challenging Covid time it was in our best interest to
conduct an online webinar which allowed the participants to become aware of the rising
environmental problems and the ways to overcome it by making small changes in our day to
day life. The webinar began with welcome address by Rover Amaljith, who introduced and
welcomed our main speaker and guest Mr. Anagh (an active environmental activist, Project
Head of the Bring Back Green initiative, Mentor for Green Army also worked for various
environmental activities). He shared his experience and how we can tackle the major rising
environmental problems in our day to day life. It was an interesting and informative
interactive secession where we learnt may things.
District Training Commissioner Ashok Samuel Sir congratulated and appreciated our webinar
and how it was our initial step in conducting programmes through online which helped the
participants in these challenging times. We were truly delighted to have him. We conducted
a small mind game by Jeffin to lighten the mood and everyone had an active participation in
it. Next was a small secession about OYMS by RSL Deepu and then U-Reporter by Abhishek,
both of them was very informative.
Vote of Thanks was by SRM Abhishek. He thanked Mr. Anagh, DTC Ashok Samuel sir and all
the participants for active support and participation. At the end of the webinar we were
confident that the participants were well aware of the problems and the ways to overcome
it. We took the resolution of spreading awareness about environmental problems we are
facing and will take necessary steps in order to resolve it.