World Tiger Day | Save tigers | Sundarban Growth

Bangladesh plays a much more significant role in the illicit tiger trade than we previously realized For Sundarbans natural Biodiversity it feels necessary to save tigers and ensure existance across forest for ecological environmental sustainability. So we think and take some steps for it. We work with government and National policy makers to ensure the laws are strictly control and being monitored from top to bottom. And understanding the local people’s how Tigers play vital role in our economy and their benefits. In This project we engage local people’s NGO University Students Teacher’s Government Policy makers , Law and enforcement experts, And The Scouts. more than 1 lakh people’s will benefits by this projects .it will contribute in natural biodiversity .for the Sundarbans natural beauty and tourism also ecological environmental balance and sustainability. Local People’s are benefits from tourism also from life on land and life below water by fishing. we learned about the significance of community involvement and participation in conservation efforts. Engaging local communities as stakeholders fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility for the project's success. Additionally, the project highlighted the need for integrating traditional knowledge with modern conservation, promoting sustainable practices, and considering the socio-economic aspects of the community to achieve long-term conservation goals effectively.
Civic engagement
Diversity and inclusion
Nature and Biodiversity

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