National Youth Meet-2024, Ketti-Nilgiris

The National Youth Meet for Rovers and Rangers is a significant event that brings together young individuals from the Central, Southern, and Western States, fostering a spirit of solidarity and shared learning. Held at the scenic Nelakurinji Camping and Training Centre in Ketti-Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, this gathering is a testament to the commitment of the Southern, Western, Central Region youth in fostering the next generation of leaders. The meet's agenda is precisely designed to enhance the competencies of the youth, particularly in decision-making processes within the institutional framework of the scout movement. It is an opportunity for young minds to engage in dialogue, express their interests, and contribute to the evolution of the organization by suggesting impactful changes. Such platforms not only empower participants but also ensure that the organization remains dynamic and responsive to the needs of its young members. The youth meet exemplifies a vibrant textile of diversity and inclusion, bringing together young individuals from various states and regions to form a dynamic collective. With 10 Scouting States and 95 active delegates, Especially Tamilnadu State with 27 active delegates. The event is a testament to the breadth of participation and the depth of experience these young scouts possess. Their active engagement and unwavering spirit contribute significantly to the scouting community, ensuring that the voices of the youth are not only heard but also valued in shaping the future. This gathering is more than just a meeting; it's a powerful platform for empowerment, where the ideals of scouting—such as community service, leadership, and personal development—are lived and promoted, fostering a generation of young leaders ready to make a positive impact on the world.
Diversity and inclusion

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