
estimate height

Hello, my name is Lila Nur Fadhilah from the Cambodian team at SMP Negeri 1 Kandangserang. Today, Friday 3 May 2024, we are carrying out activities as usual every Friday. In today's activity the material is 16 cardinal points and estimating altitude. First of all, we went into the classroom to listen to the mentor explain the material, namely the 16 cardinal directions and estimating height, the trainer explained the 16 cardinal directions along with the number of angles and the methods used to apply them on a compass. After the 16 cardinal directions had been completed, we entered the material on estimating the height of the instructor, explaining the methods and giving examples, after that we were divided into 6 groups to practice estimating the height of the flagpole in the front field, after finishing we were gathered in the field for the closing of the house because it was late afternoon.
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