Please refer to the Learning Objectives above for each age group when explaining, facilitating, and recapping this activity. Select the questions relevant to the age group and their objectives.
Discuss how this relates to immigration and refugees, inclusion and/or discrimination (depending on age section). Encourage discussion with the participants on how easy it is to speak of immigration or discrimination in a way that we forget that we are talking about human beings not just numbers.
We sometimes forget about inclusion, human rights and what it feels like to be an isolated or ostracized minority.
- How did it feel to be a lemon in Lemon Land?
- Was Lemon Land democratic?
- What if the pear had feelings?
- How does this apply to real life? Can you identify the circumstances in which this happens?
- Have you ever experienced something similar?
Finally, following the discussion, encourage personal reflection:
- How did this make you think, feel, and relate to other situations?
As the Adult Leader, you should also encourage other reflection and questions based on your knowledge, experience and desired objectives