Peace Hike on Bike
It was a Peace Hike on Bike organized by Karachi Open District. We 10 members of Burhani Scout participated in the Hike to spread message of Peace to the citizens of Karachi. We gathered on KOD after receiving a speech from Provisional Secretory Sindh Boy Scout Association we went of the Hike from KOD to Shaheed Rashid Minhas Grave and Then towards Kidney Park and delivered the message of peace.
#worldorganizationofscoutingmovemnt #sindhboyscoutassociation #sindhboyscout #burhaniscouts #karachiopendistrict #pakistanboyscouts #CleanAndGreenPakistan #WorldEnvironment #worldenvironmentprogram #Scouts4SDGs #scoutoftheworldawardbadge #scoutlife #service #MessengerOfPeace