Ocean Restoring: Coastal Cleanup!
The shores and coastal areas of mactan have vast amounts of waste due to the issue of dumping in areas where trash shouldn't be, the scouts who lived near these areas saw that action was needed immediately to restore the wildlife and the delicate ecosystem which resides in these areas. The scouts of Babag National High School organized a coastal cleanup at an area where trash was abundant.
The scouts of Babag National High School went to an area locally known as "Gothong". They then organised themselves into who collects biodegradable or non-biodegradable waste, starting from an area 6m away from the last house and ended in an intersecting road, an area of approximately 4,165m². The scouts managed to traverse through the dangerous terrain safely. Finally, the segregated garbage was stored at the back of the school and ready for disposal once the garbage truck arrives.
The flora and fauna of this area can finally have the chance to regrow and repopulate with less trash floating about in their areas, the people in the community can observe and pass on the beautiful art of cleaning, recycling, and so much more. This can help the coastal areas be a little cleaner and be restored to their former beauty.
Before the event, the scouts learned hoe to be prepared when the event arrived, during the event, the scouts enhanced and mastered segregating garbage, the prevention of accidents by safeguarding themselves by the precautions given to them. And after all the cleaning and spectating, the scouts learned that helping the environment can help it regrow once more.