International Youth Day, 2021
The international Youth day 2021 was a striking moment for me to advocate the community through scouting because it is today that the youth must act with innovation for the future health of human and planet.
I planned to sensitize children on why should they be innovative and responsible to fight the planetary health.
The world need us today. Youth would play very critical role taday with all innovations and thoughtful participation.
The project took place in Ugyentse Primary School, Samtse, Bhutan.
The day was marked with lighting the butterlamps for the healing of planet and humanity.
Teachers and children shared the perspective on shared global responsibilities to fight the planetary health.
the school children had a competition on speaking their perspective on youth innovation and participation for human and planetary health with transforing food system.
Children became more aware about their shared responsibilites.
The whole community comprising more than 1000 peolpe is expected to be impacted through scouts that we sensitized in the school.
This project had awaken the shared global responsibilities in thier own level to fight the planetary health by doing little things.
I learnt that youth has many ideas but they have inadequate platform to execute where leaders must be more aware to make their innovations bring into live.
I coulod find the community become more aware of the food choice as world transition drastically. The also became more aware about the waste they produce and its managements.