Profile picture for user abiyyi yahya hakim

Enabling a Waste-conscious Scouts Basecamp

Our basecamp/secretariat has been the center of our Scouts group activities. We do routine meetings, event preparations, and semi-serious activities here. Over the time, as we were going more aware about waste problem in our region and generally, the basecamp was certainly be a significant waste production among our other activities. So, as this big awareness went on, every waste produced in our basecamp, has been sorted to be sent (to recycling station) later.
This project/activity itself is a general management at our basecamp, where we just aware and sort the waste we produce. Besides, we always prioritize reduce over recycle. After months, it is the time for us to send the sorted waste to recycling station. There is a regular drop point of recycling station that we know.
After we send the sorted waste, we gathered to do a reflective session. It was good to make sure inorganic waste to not be sent to the landfill, but the entire effort is to reduce first, and then recycle the waste that can't be reduced. So maybe, the next time we send our sorted waste again, it won't reach this much (22 kg).
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Responsible consumption
Healthy Planet

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