"Donate Blood, Save Life"
The motivation to do this project is due to the increasing number of people struggling in need for blood in the very crucial moment. It was never an easy thing to get a blood doner and due to this pandemic it got even more harder to search for a donor. Its even found that some blood groups are rarer to get in given time period so its to overcome such circumstances and prepare things before hand as we get variety of blood group from the campaign.T
It was implemented in ABIN in Thimphu, Bhutan. We firstly got permission from the college asked for help from the hospital as they were also in favor of doing the blood donation campaign. We started to do the project by doing presentation on the importance of donating blood and its various benefits. And many donors came forward after our presentation. Soon the blood donation campaign took place whereby over 50 blood units were collected from the 80 donors who came forward.
As we got 70 blood units and if we transfer into another 70 people, their families will also be benefited whereby we estimated 700 beneficiaries. People who are struggling from lack of blood in crucial time, we could provide them with bloods which could reduce their struggles while searching for a donor
We learned that blood donation is a very important for both donor and the recipients as there is number of advantages on both sides. Next time we will try to get more number of donors.