Cleaning campaign in the Kamalapur Railway Station

Try to leave the world better than you found it. - Taking this quote of Scout founder "Robert Stephenson Smith Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell" as a motto, Scouts constantly perform various service and awareness activities in society. railway scouts of Dhaka district are no exception.
This involves identifying the specific environmental problem to be addressed, setting clear goals and objectives, and developing a detailed project plan. The environment cleaning program was held in Kamlapur railway station situated in Kamlapur I with my some of scout friends and other people attended this program. Here we cleaned the railway station area and also the rail track also awarded people to do not polluted the Komlapur railway station and other sides of this area
It’s not that we don’t want to keep our spaces clean, but let’s face it. cleaning is not always the most fun way to spend our time.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Clean Energy
Youth Engagement

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