Bringing Smiles and Hope to Madagascar's people
Baden Powell once said, "A smile is a key that opens many hearts." Through collaborating with the NGO Smile Train to identify and provide free treatment for individuals with cleft lips and palates, the scouts have contributed to bringing smiles back to the most vulnerable, both literally and figuratively.
The scouts and ths NGO Smile Train worked in several regions of Madagascar, namely Atsimo Andrefana, Anosy, Boeny, SOFIA, DIANA, and SAVA. Smile Train supported the volunteer training and the provision of corrective surgery services for patients identified with cleft lips and palates while the scouts of Tily eto Madagasikara contributed by providing volunteers to help identify and recruit patients requiring surgical intervention.
The partnership between Tily eto Madagasikara and Smile Train is not only a success in the fight against cleft lips and palates in Madagascar, but it is also a living testament to the scouts' commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and a continuation of a hundred years of social impact.