Strengthening the capacity of APR MoP Coordinators
A new set of Messengers of Peace (MoP) NSO Coordinators had been appointed for the new triennium 2022-2025. These NSO coordinators will be the link on the efficient coordination and effective implementation of MoP in their respective country.
To properly introduce the MoP NSO Coordinators in their roles, last 28-31 July 2022, a virtual APR MoP NSO Coordinators On-boarding was conducted via Zoom Platform. The on-boarding was participated by 27 coordinators in the region with the aim to orient the MoP NSO Coordinators on their roles and responsibilities, shared information and experience on MoP Programme and acquired knowledge and skills in promotion of MoP Network and Project Management towards effective implementation of MoP Program in their respective NSOs for 2022-2025.
The sessions include the introduction to Messengers of Peace and updates on the MoP 2.0, the Better World Framework, Scouts for SDGs, Grant Management and Fluxx Platform, Scout Donation Platform and Local Resources, Brand Protection, Role of MoP Coordinators and Developing local network facilitated by Messengers of Peace team in the global and regional level. The coordinators were also asked to develop their action plans for 2022-2023 which will be their guide on planning and implementing national events.
“The four days of virtual training for APR MoP NSO Coordinators were incredibly engaging and educational. The presentations have taught me a lot. The MOP fund grant management workshop was one of the most influential ones. One must assure excellent administration and financial handling skills as a national coordinator. The presentations thoroughly explained how to apply for and manage funds. Definitely, the training will aid in my network-building efforts on a local, national, and international level. I firmly believe that all NSO National Coordinators should have hands-on, in-person training to ensure greater knowledge.” Said by Sharma Aynal, the MoP NSO Coordinator of Fiji Scouts Association.