Sankalp: To Create Better Tommorow

Sankalp: To Create Better Tommorow

⚜️SANKALP⚜️ To Create the Better Tommorow Group C : Earth Hour Challenge (3) - #gameatnight I Rishi Srivastava a Rover of Traffic Group/Asansol District Association/E.Rly, The Bharat Scouts & Guides, while together at home with my family, we spent together some quality time by playing board games. Game night is the perfect opportunity to put down electronic gadgets and the internet, turn out some lights and enjoy the company of people around you. *Stay At Home Save Life's* #bsgindia #Connect2Earth #Earthhour #bsgearthhour2020 #wwfindia #sankalpbyscoutguide
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Personal safety
Legacy BWF

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