Room-To-Room IEC Campaign about Anti-Bullying

As part of our community service activities, we Senior Scouts of Himamaylan National High School initiated a Room-to-Room Information and Education Campaign about Anti-Bullying last April 28, 2023. Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. It includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally. As a scout, to help prevent this from happening in our school, I will educate my friends, classmates, and other people in our community about bullying, it effects the bullied ones. Because the victim could feel rejection, isolation, low self-esteem, and could develop depression and anxiety. My motivation for taking on this campaign is to help prevent bullying by raising awareness about its destructive effects on victims, as it is a kind of violence that can have a negative influence on an individual's well-being.
Inner peace and spirituality
Mental health
Health and Wellbeing
Peace and Community Engagement

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