Poson Dansal by Scouts of W.I.S Kurunegala
The poison poya day is the day that makes the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka by Arahat Mahindra thero in 236 B.C This day holds a great significance to all Buddhists in Sri Lanka To up hold it's great importance,on the 14th of June 2022, The scouts of Wayamba International college gathered at the district headquarters.where they organized a temporary alms stall or also commonly known as "Dansal" here in Sri Lank. The thirst of the people who went to pay their respects to the monastery on top the "Athugal rock" which is 325 meters tall,were quenched as they approached the stall to be served a traditional and famous drink known as "Belimal" with a side of jaggery to even out the some what bitter drink. And gave out flowers to whose who were going up to the monastery The speciality of this event was that the scouts of Wayamba International college were of different religious and ethnic background yet they payed their respects equally.In a world still filled with discrimination,we were raised to show love, kindness, helpfulness and equality and as scout we learn to spread it to others for a greater future. This event went smoothly because of the help of the district commissioner,the scout headquarters staff, The parents of the scouts as well as the scouts who participated