personal scout coontact is help children in future
Although the Scouting Organization has been known to children and adolescents for a long time, the psychological benefits of this activity multiply nowadays because most children and adolescents rely on modern technological technologies, whether in games, education or social communication with peers, which has become a real danger. On children, as they become less active and more susceptible to diseases due to lack of movement, and also become vulnerable to psychological diseases at an early age, many of them suffer from loneliness and some are exposed to bullying and exploitation via the Internet. Physical and mental health The question was, can scouts that allow boys and girls to work together and interact with the real world help these children live in a healthier way, both physically and psychologically. To answer the question, a group of researchers conducted a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, and followed 100,000 people born in 1958, and researchers observed through medical records the psychological state and mental ability of these men at the age of fifty. The surprise was that those who enjoyed the greatest mental and psychological health were those who joined the scouting ranks as children in the past, which clearly indicates that youth programs that support flexibility and social interaction by developing children's self-potential and pushing them to self-learn through their experiences were As a mental protection that maintains organic brain health The scientists pointed out that scouting activity is considered a comprehensive therapeutic clinic for children these days, as it offers them a lot in terms of health, starting with intense physical activity and ending with self-reliance and discovering the latent and personal capabilities of each individual. social protection unit with others, which prompted psychologists to name the scouts a social protection unit due to its great importance. It is superior to clubs that provide physical activity and social life because it touches on extreme and mountainous areas and depends on the optimal use of skills to take advantage of simple possibilities and the need to coexist with and cooperate with the other. Communication skills The scientists explained that those responsible for the scouting work became more professionally concerned with the mental health factor. They even started mentally exercise programs designed by psychiatrists that prepare children in the future.