Int'l Friendship'22 Peace Dialogue SDG Activities
Scouting Movement is to connect scouts with other scouts and to exchange ideas and excellent practices. It is for youth development and to catalyze change for the betterment of manhood. One of this scouting program's goals is to encourage discussion and peace communication.
During the JOTA-JOTI 2022 activity, we attended at the invitation of the Cabanatuan Council of BSP in the International Friendship Dialagoue, and one of my contributions here was the exchange of thoughts and ideas on the practices and dialect of the Philippines to the participating countries, such as the Korean Scouts and Indian Scouts.
There are 41 participants on the online platform, with one from the Korean Scouts, one from the Indian Scouts, and one from the Philippine Scouts. During this friendship dialogue, we had an exchange of social dialogue and included famous places in our respective countries, as well as what good practices each country has.
We had a great time exchanging ideas and culture about what to see and do in Korea, India, and the Philippines during this International Friendship Dialogue amongst Korean, Indian, and Philippine Scouts.