International Day of Peace at my school
School Scout Association is pleased to invite our Assistant Principal as the honorable chief guest and other staff as guest for the events and the event starts with the mind training session followed by lighting of butter lamps, singing scout anthem, national anthem and prayers offering ceremony. The scouts were given the talk upon the important of celebrating International day of Peace. And to the continuation verities of cultural dances, interesting sports events and few scout yells were presented. Finally day is kicked off by serving the delicious lunch to all the distinguish guest and scouts.
It was our great honor to be the part of the world in celebrating International Day of Peace on the Theme "End Racism, Build Peace". The day was overall a very achievable one because every scouts and non-scouts of my school were able to know the important of International Peace Day. And more over, most of the participants were aware that every one of us are equally important and responsible in making the world peace and better place to live on it.