Going Solar : Our Go Solar Project Journey!
In a world grappling with the challenges of climate change, our team embarked on a mission to embrace renewable energy through our Scouts Go Solar project. With the aim of reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainability, we set out to harness the power of the sun.
Our leaders organized a workshop on Scouts Go Solar Challenge on 22nd of February. We were looking forward to look into countless possibilities from solar energy.
As we set our sails, we started by brainstorming the uses of solar energy. Did you know by implementing a solar panel setup in your home you can give away the excess electricity to your neighbors and get a profit?
Not only the pros we talked about the negative effects like skin burns and stuff and how to protect ourselves from it. And then next thing in the agenda was making a solar box cooker! It was so fun to make.
Moreover we were taught how to make a protective liquid for sun burns by using aloe vera.Then we made some posters and advocate to the people in public about the uses of the sun and solar energy....
As our Go Solar project draws to a close, we invite you to join us in our commitment to renewable energy. Together, let's harness the power of the sun to create a more sustainable world for future generations.
Let's go solar and shine a light on a brighter, cleaner future. Together, we can make a difference—one ray of sunshine at a time