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Earth Hour - Invest In Our Planet

In line with the agenda of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to continue its participation in the annual Earth Hour Celebration - with the theme “Invest in Our Planet”- , the senior scouts of Alangalang National High School take part in the lights off activity from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM on the 25th day of March 2023. This activity aims to make a substantial difference in energy consumption and can help reduce the effect of global warming on this planet. Mabuhay ang Boy Scouts of the Philippines! ⚜️🇵🇭 #ANHSScouts #LeyteCouncil #BoyScoutsofthePhilippines #Scouts #ScoutsPh #MessengersOfPeace #MakeItHappen #BetterWorld #WorldScouting #Earth Hour #EarthTribe #BiggestHourForEarth #EarthHour2023
Clean Energy
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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