Dungtse Central School in Bhutan observed IDP 2022
On 21st September 2022 Dungtse Central School observed International Day of Peace. The theme on the celebration is on “End Racism, Build Peace”. The programme was on Youth Speech for peace and Peace Pledge and Awareness. In the program there were 198 males and 179 females. In total 377 scouts and non-scouts took part in the programme. The programme was of 1 hour. It was started at 8 am and ended at 9 AM.
The programme started with welcome speech by one of the scouts. In the programme, there were speeches and commitments to make awareness on the above mentioned theme. The first two speakers talked on background to International Day of Peace and importance of its celebration. The medium of celebration was in English and Dzongkha but there were another seven speakers sensitizing on the above theme in seven different dialect (Tshanglhakha, Choechangkhachang, Lhotshamkha, Chalipkha, Brokpakha, Bramikha, khengkha). In total, the awareness was made in nine different language and dialect. All of the speakers focused on ending racism and building peace. The audiences were convinced from the awareness programme. After that, there were promise making ceremony that everyone will commit to end racism and build peace. Apart from the speech there were banners pasted showing the individual’s commitments.
The programme ended with vote of thanks by one of the scouts. In her vote of thanks, she on behalf of all present there, promised to work harder to end racism and build peace.