The Biggest Hour for Earth
Earth Hour is a symbolic activity rather than a carbon reduction effort. The goal is to motivate individuals, organizations, and institutions to become aware of their ecological footprints and to begin considering how to manage them more sustainably. We pledge to combat climate change and create a better future for our world by taking part in Earth Hour. By reminding us of all that while halting the progression of climate change is a global problem, there are some local solutions, such as turning off the lights when you leave a room, carpooling to work, or simply keeping an eye on your local forecast to understand how climate change is affecting your area, Earth Hour helps to foster a sense of solidarity between people across national boundaries. Earth Hour shows how millions of small actions may add up to significant change and serves to remind millions of people all over the world of the value of making ecologically responsible decisions in their everyday lives. People are urged to learn the truth about climate change and its long-term disastrous effects on the environment and our way of life.