32nd APR & 11th National Jamboree BANGLADESH 2023.

Hello everyone. My name is Arijit Mondal Dhrubo. I am a scout of Barishal govt. Model School and College Scouts group in Bangladesh. Last 18th January, I went to the 32nd Asia-Pacific & 11th National Scout Jamboree which was hoisted in Bangladesh. I went there with a petrol of 9 members of scouts of our school. Apr jamboree (Asia pacific regional jamboree) was a very beautiful event for me. Here we meet with many national and international leaders of scout. We learn a lot from this international camp. We meet with a lot of foreigners. It was pleausure for me and all of us. Our tent was in the village-1 which name was Kuakata. The days were very beautiful. Our works were devided into 11 elans. The Elan-01 was Dawn. The Elan-02 was Camp craft. The Elan-03 was Obstacle. The Elan-04 was Fun Factory. The Elan-05 was Funtacy. The Elan 06 was Hiking. The Elan-07 was Better world framework. The Elan-08 was Fun & game. The Elan-09 was Neighbour. The Elan-10 was i-3. The Elan-11 was Campfire. In the first Elan, we enjoyed the arobics whiches were very charmful. Its made us very active. We got up everyday early in the morning. In the second Elan, we prepare our ⛺(tent) for camp craft. It was very beautiful work. You should have a good team spirit to make good result in this Elan which we had. Then the 3rd Elan was obstacle. It was very challenging. We joined in the challenges and made good results. Elan 4 was Fun factory. From here we could learn many things. For example: How to stop fire of gas cilinder? It was a very important elan for us. Not only we learn from here but also we made fun by listening some songs from many famous artists. In Elan number 5, we visited the fantasy kingdom park in Dhaka. It was a very wonderful experience for me. In Elan 6 we go for hiking. It was the first night hiking i the history of Bangladesh scouts.It was a very very good experience. Elan 7 was most useful elan. In this we knew about the messenger of peace, he for she etc. We learn a lot from it. Elan 8 was fun and game. We made a lot of fun in this event. Elan 9 was neighbour. It was a beautiful memory. We went to a tent of a open scout group of Chapainababganj. They teart us with their tradion and traditional foods. In Elan 10 we went for a visit in a garment factory. Capfire was the last elan. We attended in it and made a lot of fun. It was a very memorable jamboree for me. I will never forget this. We finished the jamboree successfully. We got jamboree award.
Interpersonal skills
Peace and Community Engagement
Skills for Life

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