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Team building challenge

Learning Objectives

•    Apply problem-solving and critical thinking skills to overcome challenges as part of a team.
•    Experience a sense of camaraderie and support while working together towards a common goal.
•    Practice communication, cooperation, and leadership skills in a group setting.


-    Set up a series of team-building challenges or obstacle courses in a safe and supervised environment. 
-    Divide participants into teams and explain that they must work together to complete each challenge. 
-    Provide a variety of challenges that require communication, cooperation, and problem-solving skills, such as building a tower out of cups or navigating through a maze. 
-    Encourage teams to support and encourage each other as they tackle the challenges. After completing all the challenges, gather the children together for a debrief to discuss their experiences and what they learned about working together.
-    Since this activity is design for all age groups, introduce more complex challenges or problem-solving scenarios that require strategic thinking and adaptability, providing opportunities for older participants to demonstrate leadership skills within their teams.

Examples of Challenges:

Age 7-10:

1.    Cup Tower Challenge: Teams must work together to build the tallest tower using plastic cups within a time limit. This requires coordination and communication.
2.    Balloon Relay Race: Teams must pass a balloon from one end of a line to the other without using their hands, promoting teamwork and creativity.

3.    Human Knot: Participants stand in a circle, reach out, and grab the hands of two different people. The team must then untangle themselves without letting go of hands, encouraging problem-solving and cooperation.

Age 10-15:

1.    Maze Navigation: Blindfolded team members must navigate a simple maze with directions given by their teammates. This enhances trust and communication.
2.    Bridge Building: Teams are given materials (e.g., straws, tape, paper) to construct a bridge that can hold a certain weight, fostering engineering skills and teamwork.
3.    Survival Scenario: Teams are given a hypothetical survival scenario (e.g., stranded on an island) and must decide on a plan of action using a limited set of resources. This requires strategic thinking and leadership.

Age 15+:

1.    Escape Room Challenge: Teams must solve a series of puzzles and riddles to "escape" from a locked room within a set time. This involves advanced problem-solving and collaboration.
2.    Leadership Rotation: During a task such as building a shelter with provided materials, each team member takes turns being the leader, practicing leadership and adaptability.
3.    Trust Fall Exercise: Team members take turns falling backward off a platform and being caught by their teammates, building trust and support.


-    Gather the participants together after completing the Team Building Challenge.
-    Reflect on their experiences and achievements during the activity.
-    Guide the conversation towards the concept of teamwork and cooperation by asking questions such as:

  • What was the most challenging part of the team-building challenges for your group?
  • How did your group approach problem-solving during the challenges?
  • What strategies did your group use to work together effectively?

-    Encourage participants to share their favourite moments and discoveries from the challenges.
-    Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving shared goals.


-    Various team-building props or equipment (ropes, blindfolds, puzzles, etc.) 
-    Optional: timers or stopwatches

Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above


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Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above
