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Secret agent Scavenger Hunt

Learning Objectives

•    Experience engagement and "flow" through problem-solving and teamwork.
•    Develop observation and deduction skills.
•    Foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.


-    Set up a scavenger hunt with clues hidden around a designated area, such as a park or community centre.
-    Divide participants into small teams and provide each team with a set of clues to follow.
-    Encourage participants to work together to decipher the clues and locate hidden items or landmarks.
-    Include creative challenges or puzzles at each clue location to further engage participants.
-    Set a time limit for the scavenger hunt and encourage teams to complete the challenge within the allotted time.
-    Offer support and guidance as needed, but allow participants to take the lead in solving the clues and completing the hunt.
-    Here is a fun example of a scavenger hunt for 15+:

  • Find a smooth rock
  • Spot a bird's nest
  • Collect a pinecone
  • Take a photo with a tree smaller than you
  • Find the 3 red flags we hid in the part
  • Build a mini nature sculpture using twigs and leaves
  • Find a piece of trash and properly dispose of it
  • Spot a squirrel or other small animal
  • Collect a flower (without picking it)
  • Take the funniest group photo!


-    Gather the participants together after the scavenger hunt.
-    Reflect on their experiences and achievements during the activity.
-    Guide the conversation towards the concept of engagement and "flow" by asking questions such as:

  • How did it feel to work together as a team to solve the clues?
  • Did you experience a sense of excitement and focus during the scavenger hunt?
  • What was the most challenging part of the hunt for your team?

-    Encourage participants to share their favourite moments and discoveries from the scavenger hunt.
-    Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and collaboration in achieving shared goals.


-    Clue cards or written instructions
-    Hidden items or landmarks
-    Creative challenges or puzzles

Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above


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Please note that you can participate in this activity, but first, you need to log in.

Time needed

45 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above
