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I am grateful for

Learning Objectives

•    Develop an understanding of gratitude and its importance in fostering positive emotions.
•    Cultivate the habit of recognizing and appreciating the good things in life.


-    Provide each Scout with a notebook or journal and coloured pencils/markers.
-    Explain the concept of gratitude and its impact on mental well-being.
-    Encourage children to write or draw three things they are grateful for each day in their journal.
-    Remind them to be specific and detailed in their entries, focusing on both big and small things that bring them joy.
-    Set aside time at the end of the week for children to share one thing they wrote or drew in their journal with the group.
-    Provide each Scout with a notebook or journal and coloured pencils/markers.
-    Explain the concept of gratitude and its impact on mental well-being.
-    Encourage children to write or draw three things they are grateful for each day in their journal.
-    Remind them to be specific and detailed in their entries, focusing on both big and small things that bring them joy.
-    Set aside time at the end of the week for children to share one thing they wrote or drew in their journal with the group.
-    Encourage discussion and reflection on the positive experiences shared.
-    After a week, writing each day can became boring for them, encourage them to keep writing at least once a week and make time for reflection on this on your weekly meetings.


-    Gather everyone together after a week of journaling.
-    Begin by asking everyone to share one thing they wrote or drew in their gratitude journal.
-    Guide the conversation towards the concept of gratitude by asking questions such as:
•    How did it feel to focus on gratitude each day?
•    Did you notice any changes in your mood or outlook throughout the week?
•    Can you think of a time when expressing gratitude made you feel happier or more content?
-    Use the opportunity to reinforce the importance of gratitude in daily life and encourage children to continue practicing gratitude beyond the challenge.
-    Encourage participant to share with their families and friends what they are grateful for.


-    Notebooks/journals
-    Coloured pencils/ markers

Time needed

30 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above


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Time needed

30 minutes

Age range

  • 7 to 10
  • 11 to 14
  • 15 and above
