Safe from Harm compliance workshop in Togo

World Scouting’s priority is to ensure that every child, young person and adult is provided with a safe and supportive environment. World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is committed to support National Scout Organizations (NSOs) and build their capacity in the Safe from Harm area, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement safeguarding and offer a safe Scouting experience to all.

On 5th September 2024, a Safe from Harm compliance workshop was held in Lome, Togo, for 2 days. The workshop was attended by 6 National Scout Organizations (NSOs), with a total of 18 participants. The participants were from Niger, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire Catholic, Uganda, Ghana, Benin, and Togo.

The consultants provided a detailed overview of the World Safe from Harm Policy, emphasizing on the six major non-conformities that NSOs must address. Participants also did an activity to assess their adherence to key safeguarding principles. In addition to this, a overall discussion session were held on Safe from Harm resources available to support NSOs in strengthening their safeguarding practices, and the evidence required to comply with the World Safe from Harm Policy. The session also included the assessment tool to conduct an internal evaluation of their organizations Safe from Harm practices through self-assessment tools which help them to identify the gaps. It provides direction on various areas, including scope, recommendation processes, scoring methods and next steps. The document help the NSOs to reflect on their practices, policies and procedures so that they can identify areas of support and opportunities for improvement. 

The workshop were hosted by Togo Scout Association as part of the Safe from Harm services provided to NSOs with the support from World Scout bureau and consultants. 


The project is implemented under Safe from Harm, a world policy that supports the safety, safeguarding and wellbeing of all children, young people and adults in Scouting, supported by Alwaleed Philanthropies, enable young people to feel safe to try, learn and grow through their Scouting journey

Personal safety
Good Governance

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