Executing the Vision 2023: "Scouting strengthens its profile" Publishing in the magazine "Pauta" of Panama, speaking on volunteering and the contribution of Scouting to society #ScoutIAR
Executing the Vision 2023: "Scouting strengthens its profile" Publishing in the magazine "Pauta" of Panama, speaking on volunteering and the contribution of Scouting to society #ScoutIAR
*To read the complete article check the attachments below
Pauta is a monthly magazine that specializes in issues concerning with Business, Marketing, Management, Finance, Administration, Human Resources and Technology, among others. Began operations in 1991 and is pioneer in its category. Its target audience is concentrated mostly executives and professionals of both sexes, middle and high socioeconomic levels, with power of decision within the companies and organizations where they work, and aged between 25 and 55 years of age (70%). Pauta also cover a market segment comprised of young professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, between 21-30 years (20%). A smaller, but still significant market segment constitutes communication professionals in different specialties (10%). Its distribution is in the metropolitan area of Panama City, with 15,000 copies divided as follows: 9,000 magazines delivered directly to subscribers' offices, 5,000 magazines inserted in newspaper "Panama America" to its subscribers and 1,000 magazines distributed to a partnerships with prestigious hotel chains such as Marriott, Sheraton, The Bristol, Courtyard, Miramar Intercontinental, Gamboa Rainforest Resort, Intercontinental Playa Bonita, Crown Plaza and Plaza Paitilla Inn, among others.
Credits and Acknowledgement:
To the management team and editorial of the Pauta magazine www.revistapauta.net
and to Hugo Santaromita article writer @hugosantaromita