Sustainability & SCOUTS South Africa - KISC IRW Inspired Project
“South African biodiversity is, at present, greatly endangered. National Red List assessments indicate that 10% of South Africa’s birds and frogs, 20% of its mammals and 13% of its plants are threatened.” The major problem is the loss of biodiversity not only results in serious implications for ecosystems, but society and the South African economy.” The natural eco systems provide many essential services to the population, including many recreational, spiritual, and religious needs.
The project carried out was the collection of plastic breadtags and bottle tops by SCOUTS South Africa Members across the country. Together members collected nearly 1.8 tonnes of plastic and ensured they did not end up in our landfills or waterways. The Breadtags and Bottle tops were donated to the Sweetheart Foundation which recycles the plastic items and uses the money raised from the recycling process to purchase wheelchairs for those who cannot afford. More details surrounding the project can be found here.
The project resulted in two wheelchairs being purchased for people who are unable to access wheelchairs. The project also ensured that nearly 1.8 million tonnes of plastic did not end up in landfills or waterways.
The major learning point from the project is the communication between external stakeholders and NSOs. Projects like this take time to to complete and it is important to remember not to let that demotivate you while doing the project.