Social Forestry Day ( 2nd June , 2019 )
I have seen in the news channel ,advocating to plant more trees for the welfare of all living organisms.
June 2nd is observed as one of the most important days in our country where we celebrate Social Forestry Day. We the scout members of Jomotshangkha Middle Secondary School have celebrated “Social Forestry Day” from 2nd till 5th June, 2019
We have planted the tree saplings such as Gamari, Ashoka trees, Teak trees , Shade trees and ornamental trees which bears yellow and pink flowers.
I am sure that in the near future it would benefit both the school and community as a whole where these trees would give flowers , provide shade and purity the air.
I learned how to plant and take care of the saplings . I would make it better by letting more of my friends who are non-scouts as well to join in such programme.