
Rooted in Peace Project

Our project, "Rooted in Peace" emphasizes the value of peace and harmony while also making reference to the notion of putting tree roots in the earth. Our source of motivation came from the interest in making an area of our city green and peaceful for the community. Newly constructed areas of the city lack the lush greenery we are happy to see and enjoy. The goal was to bring a change to this and create a happy environment.
A group of 33 scouts collected small saplings and worked together to plant them in the backyard of the newly constructed city hospital as instructed by the workers present throughout the event. In the next two months, all the students took turns to go and take care of the plants and water them regularly. They followed a scheduled table created by the adult leaders and carried out the activity with guidance and observation from leaders and workers from the hospital.
Projects such as the one we carried out requires a certain amount of time to fully provide the benefits it was aimed to achieve. For this specific project, the aim was to create a peaceful and green area for citizens who use the establishment. When the plants reach full maturity, we believe the aim would be achieved and the whole community would be benefitted from what we created.
Throughout the project, the scouts felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work, knowing that they had made a tangible difference in their community. The event also helped to promote a sense of unity and understanding among the students who participated, demonstrating the power of collective action to create positive change. In future projects, we hope to involve more volunteers from the community and inspire them to bring a change to the environment we live in.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability

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