Chad is a country in the Sahel where desertification is one of the major problems of the country, associated with climate change and the reduction of the level of Lake Chad. To fight against this climate change, we chose on the one hand the way of sensitization and training of the scouts to the awareness of these problems, on the other hand, we passed to the action by planting trees and by forming nurseries of trees to continue the fight.
The project was executed in N'Djamena at the Xaverian center.
For the realization of this project, we have passed messages to inform the districts of the climate action. First, we have trained two districts,namely the southern district and the center on the environment program and the different activities to be carried out within this framework. then we have moved to action to show the other districts that it is precisely through small actions that we can change the world into a better place.
Our project has a positive impact on the priests living in this center on the one hand and the students who study. It is necessary to remind that we have already planted trees in 2020 in the framework of the world peace day in favor of this center. The students and scouts have taken care of these trees and they serve as shade and soon as fruit and contribute to the fight against climate change in Chad and the planet.
We learned to develop our skills in the fight against climate change. In addition, we got to know the new priests who took charge of the center and strengthened the trust and create a good bond.