National executive commisioner of Uganda scouts association weds in soroti

National executive commisioner of Uganda scouts association weds in soroti

Wedding is a great step in life that happens once in a life time,in Uganda our National Executive Commissioner (Okello Richard) comes from the East,with his upcountry home built in soroti district,he decided to come home to host the whole Uganda scouts at home,as a district where scouting is actively practiced,we took charge of organising the day,we organised a camp at Majengo camping site for our fellow scouts to come as they arrive to attend the wedding,we too took it to our selves to organise the church,the reception, and the wedding. The wedding was well attended with scouts from over 20 districts in Uganda,the whole wedding was done the scouts way,it was fantastic,Okello Richard(National executive commissioner) wedded Akello Betty. As Uganda Scout's Association we say congratulations to our Dear NEC and thanks to the scouts who spared their own time,money and energy to attend the wedding.
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