Save water campaign

There is shortage of water in many places today. If we do not save water then the coming generations will not get water. The message that water is needed was conveyed to people.
samajhaaya . UP Bharat Scout Guide District Ghaziabad launched Water Save Campaign. This campaign started from 15.9.2024 till 17.9.24 in which about 250 Scout Guides, Rover Ranges of District Ghaziabad participated, officials of the District Association were also present. On the first day, the scout guides took out a rally and made people aware. Second day, went door to door and explained to the people.
The scout guide have give a very important message to save water. We have specially campaign save water because they are the future of our generation so it is very important to conserve water for them and their next ones with out water, no body can live on the earth so for saving life on earth, please save water.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Humanitarian action

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